Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Quincy is 3. Notes from Mom and Dad

Here is what Christian and I wrote in Quincy's card this year.

From Mom,


You are so fun right now!  Even though you give me a run for my money sometimes, I wouldn't trade it for anything.  You are the BEST big sister to Tate.  It is so fun to see you two together.  You love to entertain people, like to be the center of attention around people you know.  You are cautious around people you don't know.  You are smart, a tad bit bossy, and sweet all at the same time.  Your favorite food is mac n cheese and you sometimes ask for it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  You love Disney movies and your favorite TV show is Daniel Tiger.  You frequently call anyone you know (and sometimes people you don't) your best friend, it's pretty adorable.  I still dress you pretty cute and people compliment you on your outfits often :)  You like to remind me that you used to live in my belly and call it your "sweet home", which makes me unbelievably happy.  Thank you for choosing me to be your mom, I feel so lucky and blessed.  You are my sweetie and my favorite girl.  Happy 3rd birthday sweetheart.  I love you.


From Dad,


I'll keep it short.  Well shorter than your mom.  You make me so happy.  Anything you do is automatically adorable.  You genuinely make me laugh.  You've been sing your imagination a ton lately and I love it.  Making up names, pretending with your toys.  Always use your creativity.  You are beautiful.  You are so good with your brother.  I'm so lucky to be your dad.  I hope we play, and have dance parties, and do puzzles, and sing, and read books, and watch movies for the rest of our lives.  I love you Quincy.  Happy Birthday.


Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Nursing Babies

When I was pregnant someone gave us a "Big Sister" book and Quincy LOVED it.  We read it a couple times a day.  In the book the big sister helps give the baby a bottle.  Well Quincy has been quite distraught to find out that she doesn't actually get to give Tate a bottle since I'm nursing him.  So I guess the next best thing is that she nurses her baby dolls instead.  I sure do love that girl!

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Melting Eyes

Tate has had a plugged tear duct so his eyes are always watering.  Today Quincy ran up to me, very concerned, to tell my that Tate's eyes are melting.  I had to reassure her they weren't actually melting, just constantly watering.  

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Tate 1 Month

Tate is now a month old.  He is the sweetest and most mellow baby ever.  He is already sleeping through the night most nights, he is quick and efficient when nursing, and has such a great temperament.  Sometimes I feel like I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop, and that it can't be this easy (knock on wood).  Maybe he's trying to make up for being so difficult during delivery.  Whatever it is, I'll take it!  

Weight: 11 lbs 2.5 oz  (79th percentile)
Height: 23 inches (90th percentile)

And of course Quincy wanted a turn wearing the sticker


"Big Girl Bed"

Quincy had her first night in her toddler "big girl bed".  I was worried she would get up a million times but she's done great ever since!  

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Valley Garden Daffodils

Each year we've taken Quincy to Valley Garden Park and taken her picture in a field of daffodils.  I was worried we were going to be too late this year, but they were still in bloom when we went.  Stacey, Erin and her boys went with us.  I always love going there, it's so beautiful and peaceful.  Here are some pictures from our visit.

Jude, Quincy, Grandma Stacey, Fields, and Desmond 

We had to get a picture of Tate and the daffodils too, even if he is just in the stroller

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Tate's Baby Blessing

My parents and Christian's sister Erin and her boys were all in town, so we decided to have Tate's baby blessing at our house so they could all be there for it.  Christian gave him a sweet blessing.  I'll have to go and record some of the things he said later.  But here are some pictures from the night.  We are so happy to have him in our family!

Monday, April 13, 2015

Tate's Newborn/Family Pictures

My good friend Chelsea came and took some pictures of our new little family.  I love them all so much, so I'm posting a bazillion.  It was just too hard to choose which ones to put in. I sure do love this new addition to our family!