Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Remember when my parents up and moved to Bolivia...

Yeah, they're crazy.  Guess it's time to get Quincy a passport!

6 Months

6 Months- HALF A YEAR!!!

Weight: 16 lbs 8 oz (65th percentile)
Height:  Can't remember, I'll have to look it up

This has been a fun month.  We took another trip to Utah for Andrew and Jenessa's wedding (I'll do another post about that later), and started introducing solid foods.  Here are a few pictures from this month.

I love the bloomers on this outfit
Getting a bottle from dad and looking so big!

My last name is what?!?

More beauty sleep for these two
Hanging out at the McNeils while I get my hair cut

Trying lots of new foods

Not a fan of yogurt

Quincy's favorite chew toy, the toothbrush banana