Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day 2013

For Memorial Day we went to the McNeil's and had a BBQ with the faux family.  I just love my adorable baby!

Friday, May 24, 2013


Today I had a realization that we really are parents.  I know that sounds crazy but it's almost been like I have this cool little person that goes around and does everything with me.  But today I was reminded that that cool little person is a baby, my baby, and we are her parents.  Today was the first time we had a "babysitter".  We have had Christians parents watch her for a couple hours here and there, but today we actually had a paid babysitter (granted it was Christians sister...but still) that came to our house.  

We had to ask people what the going rate was.  And when I came home I had this thought, "Whoa, we've been become parents who pay for babysitters so we can go out, and then come home and clean up toys off the floor...when did this happen?!?"  This probably doesn't make any sense to anyone, but it was such a weird feeling and I wanted to write and document it.  So yeah...I guess we are officially "grown-ups"!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

White House/ DC

My brother Tim, his wife Holly and their two girls invited us down to Washington DC to tour the White House Gardens, check out the cherry blossoms and a picnic.  We couldn't have asked for a better day, the weather was amazing.  We had lots of fun, thanks Tim and Holly!

Our family in front of the White House

cherry blossoms!

My brother from another mother...literally :)

The Washington Monument was being repaired from earthquake damage

Q smelling the blossoms

I love our family!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Utah Trip

We went out to Utah for Andrew and Jenessa's wedding.  Overall is was a great trip!  Christian, Quincy and I all flew out together.  There was an extra seat so we were able to bring her car seat on.  I can't believe how much easier it is to travel with someone else when you have a baby.  

Christian went home right after the wedding and Quincy and I stayed for another week.  We got to see our good friends new baby, and do lots of fun activities with the family and cousins.  Unfortunately, Quincy got sick the night before we were supposed to fly home.  And I mean projectile puking with a side of diarrhea sick.  That definitely made for a memorable flight back.  As soon as I got through security Quincy puked and had a blow out.  I swore that was the last time we traveled alone for a while.  Thankfully she was incident free on the plane (except for the fact that she didn't sleep until we touched down and landed). Now for the picture overload:

All packed and ready to go!

Waiting for take off

Quincy and Aunt Erin (chewing on the pasta necklace Jude made,she LOVED it) 


Waiting for Andrew and Jenessa to come out

They're married!

Quincy and her BFF Addie

Touring Thanksgiving Point gardens in the back  of a golf cart

Thanksgiving Point

Hogle Zoo

Quincy with her barf bucket :(

Getting cleaned up

Grandpa Sturgell with a sick and tired baby

She finally fell asleep 5 minutes before we got off the plane